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May 20, 2024 / barton smock

The ‘I Think I Can’t Speak For Everyone Here’ Reading Series, featuring Alina Stefanescu and Dylan Krieger, Sunday May 26th at 3pm EST

Please join us on Sunday, May 26th, at 3pm EST for the fifth installment of the 'I think I can't speak for everyone here' reading series, featuring Dylan Krieger and Alina Stefanescu

Email for the zoom link and info

Alina Stefanescu was born in Romania and lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her partner and several intense mammals. Recent books include a creative nonfiction chapbook, Ribald (Bull City Press Inch Series, Nov. 2020) and Dor, which won the Wandering Aengus Press Prize (September, 2021). Her debut fiction collection, Every Mask I Tried On, won the Brighthorse Books Prize (April 2018). Alina's poems, essays, and fiction can be found in Prairie Schooner, North American Review, World Literature Today, Pleiades, Poetry, BOMB, Crab Creek Review, and others. She serves as editor, reviewer, and critic for various journals and is currently working on a novel-like creature. Her new poetry collection will be published by Sarabande in 2025. More online at

Dylan Krieger is writing the apocalypse in real time in south Louisiana. She is the Managing Editor of Fine Print and the author of seven collections of poetry: Giving Godhead (Delete, 2017), Dreamland Trash (St. Julian, 2018), No Ledge Left to Love (Ping Pong, 2018), The Mother Wart (Vegetarian Alcoholic, 2019), Metamortuary (Nine Mile, 2020), Soft-Focus Slaughterhouse (11:11, 2021), and Predators Welcome (Limit Zero, 2024). Find her at

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